4D Scan for Pregnancy 

It is also known as a four-dimensional scan. 

It is a type of ultrasound scan used during pregnancy to produce real-time images, allowing for a more detailed view of the baby’s movements and features.  

It also produces the fourth dimension of time, allowing for a video-like view of the baby’s movements. 

It is a safe and optional way to view your baby’s growth and features during pregnancy. It is not a necessary part of prenatal care, but it can provide an emotional bonding experience for parents-to-be. 

Why is a 4D Scan Performed During Pregnancy? 

  • To check the development and growth of the fetus (size, weight, and position of the baby) 
  • To check for any abnormalities, such as cleft lip or heart defects 
  • To bond with the baby before birth by seeing them in real-time and getting a glimpse of their features 
  • To provide reassurance to the parents-to-be and help them prepare for the arrival of their baby 

4D Scan for Pregnancy: How to Prepare?  

  • Drink plenty of water before the scan 
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing 
  • Avoid wearing jewelry or any metal objects  

4D scan is optional and not included in the standard prenatal tests. 

4D Scan for Pregnancy: What to Expect? 

  • During a 4D scan, you will lie down on your back and a gel will be applied to your belly.  
  • Your doctor will then move a handheld device (transducer) over your belly to capture images of your baby.  
  • You may be asked to move around or change positions to get a better view.  
  • The scan usually takes about 30 minutes, and you will be able to watch the entire process on a monitor. 

4D Scan for Pregnancy: Myth and Fact 

Myth: A 4D scan can harm the baby 

Fact: A 4D scan is considered safe and does not harm the baby in any way. 

4D Scan for Pregnancy: Myth and Fact 

Myth: A 4D scan is necessary for all pregnancies. 

Fact: A 4D scan is not a part of routine prenatal care and is usually optional.