
Double Marker Test in Pregnancy: All you Need to Know 

A diagnostic tool performed to predict the probability of chromosomal abnormalities.  Helps analyze certain conditions like Down syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, and Patau’s syndrome.   This non-definitive test is part of a comprehensive first-trimester screening test, and the results can only predict the probability of chromosomal abnormalities.  Why is the Double Marker Test Done?  While the double […]


Color Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy: Preparation and Expectations 

Color Doppler ultrasound is a valuable tool used during pregnancy to assess the blood flow to the developing fetus, placenta, and other maternal structures. This non-invasive imaging technique provides important information about circulation and can help detect potential complications. Here’s what you need to know about color Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy, including preparation and what […]


What is 3D Scan in Pregnancy? 

A 3D scan in pregnancy is a medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound technology to create a 3D image of a developing fetus. This type of scan provides more detailed images of the fetus than a traditional 2D ultrasound, allowing healthcare providers to better evaluate fetal development and identify potential issues.  Why is it performed?  […]

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