
Amniocentesis: Empowering Informed Prenatal Choices 

Amniocentesis, a cornerstone of prenatal care, provides vital insights into the health of both mother and fetus. By extracting a small amount of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells, healthcare professionals can detect genetic disorders and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey.  Key Reasons for Amniocentesis Recommendation  Benefits of Amniocentesis  Amniocentesis Procedure Overview  The test is performed […]


Facts You Should Know About a Miscarriage 

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is when you lose pregnancy before 20 weeks. Nearly 80% of miscarriages happen during the first three months of pregnancy.  Most miscarriages are uncontrollable and occur when the fetus stops growing.  Early miscarriages are common, and one in five women have a miscarriage for no apparent reason.   Miscarriage Symptoms  Signs of […]


Abdominal Ultrasound: Benefits, Purpose, Preparation, and Overview 

Abdominal ultrasound is a non-invasive medical imaging procedure. It uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of abdominal organs and structures. The procedure is safe and painless, without the use of radiation.  Benefits of Abdominal Ultrasound:  Purpose of Abdominal Ultrasound:  Preparation for Abdominal Ultrasound:  By understanding the benefits, purpose, and necessary preparations, patients can […]


Unleashing the Power of Abdominal Ultrasound 

What is an Abdominal Ultrasound Scan?   Ultrasound of the abdomen is a non-invasive and painless procedure that uses sound waves to produce images of the organs and other structures within the abdomen. Ultrasound is safe and does not use ionizing radiation.   These images help diagnose and evaluate disease conditions of the abdominal aorta, kidneys, liver, […]


4D Scan for Pregnancy 

It is also known as a four-dimensional scan.  It is a type of ultrasound scan used during pregnancy to produce real-time images, allowing for a more detailed view of the baby’s movements and features.   It also produces the fourth dimension of time, allowing for a video-like view of the baby’s movements.  It is a safe […]


Fetal Cardiac Scan: What Is It? 

A test to diagnose heart diseases in the unborn baby at the earliest possible time  Timing:  Between 19-21 weeks of pregnancy  In approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies, the baby might have a heart condition requiring specialist care or surgery.  Purpose of the Fetal Cardiac Scan  This test may not detect small holes or a few […]


Amniocentesis: Empowering Informed Prenatal Choices 

Amniocentesis, a cornerstone of prenatal care, provides vital insights into the health of both mother and fetus. By extracting a small amount of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells, healthcare professionals can detect genetic disorders and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey.  Key Reasons for Amniocentesis Recommendation  Benefits of Amniocentesis  Amniocentesis Procedure Overview  The test is performed […]


Double Marker Test in Pregnancy: All you Need to Know 

A diagnostic tool performed to predict the probability of chromosomal abnormalities.  Helps analyze certain conditions like Down syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, and Patau’s syndrome.   This non-definitive test is part of a comprehensive first-trimester screening test, and the results can only predict the probability of chromosomal abnormalities.  Why is the Double Marker Test Done?  While the double […]


Color Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy: Preparation and Expectations 

Color Doppler ultrasound is a valuable tool used during pregnancy to assess the blood flow to the developing fetus, placenta, and other maternal structures. This non-invasive imaging technique provides important information about circulation and can help detect potential complications. Here’s what you need to know about color Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy, including preparation and what […]


What is 3D Scan in Pregnancy? 

A 3D scan in pregnancy is a medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound technology to create a 3D image of a developing fetus. This type of scan provides more detailed images of the fetus than a traditional 2D ultrasound, allowing healthcare providers to better evaluate fetal development and identify potential issues.  Why is it performed?  […]