
What is 3D Scan in Pregnancy?
A 3D scan in pregnancy is a medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound technology to create a 3D image of

Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): A Guide for Expecting Mothers
Congratulations on your twin pregnancy! While carrying twins is a special experience, there are some potential complications to be aware

Exploring Fetal Neurosonography: Insights into Baby’s Brain
It is also known as fetal neurosonogramis, designed to assess the developing brain and central nervous system of a fetus

Understanding Fetal Arrhythmias: A Guide for Expectant Parents
During pregnancy, feeling your baby’s heartbeat is a truly magical experience. That rhythmic thump symbolizes life and growth, a constant

Double Marker Test in Pregnancy: All you Need to Know
A diagnostic tool performed to predict the probability of chromosomal abnormalities. Helps analyze certain conditions like Down syndrome, Edward’s syndrome,

Prenatal Viability Scan: Assessing Fetal Health
Viability scan is the first scan performed during pregnancy. This scan is carried out during seventh to tenth week of

The Importance of Viability Scans in Early Pregnancy
Viability scans, also known as early pregnancy scans, are essential for assessing the health and well-being of a developing fetus

Navigating Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) in Prenatal Care
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is a crucial prenatal diagnostic procedure that provides valuable insights into the genetic health of a

Fetal Reduction: Navigating Choices for Safer Outcomes
In the realm of maternal-fetal medicine, the practice of fetal reduction stands as a nuanced and ethically complex procedure. This

Fetal Cardiac Scan: What Is It?
A test to diagnose heart diseases in the unborn baby at the earliest possible time Timing: Between 19-21 weeks of

4D Scan for Pregnancy
It is also known as a four-dimensional scan. It is a type of ultrasound scan used during pregnancy to produce

Fetal Reduction Demystified: Debunking Common Misconceptions
Myth: Fetal reduction is always recommended for all multiple pregnancies. Fact: Fetal reduction is a complex decision based on individual circumstances, risks,

Nuchal Translucency Scan: Fetal Ultrasound During Pregnancy
What is a Nuchal Translucency Scan? (Fetal Ultrasound During Pregnancy) A nuchal translucency scan is a pregnancy ultrasound scan that

Importance of Fetal Anomaly Scan (Mid-Pregnancy Scan)
Anomaly scan is carried out between 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. The purpose of the scan is to monitor the development

Peering into the Womb: A Journey through the Sonogram
An ultrasound scan or pregnancy scan is an imaging procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the